All are Welcome.
All are Loved.
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus,
Happy New Year! How blessed and how fortunate we are to see a New Year. In 2022, God blessed us with a new faith community: St. Josephine Bakhita Mission Parish. As we step into the New year, what will be our New Year’s Resolution as a faith community? In the name of Jesus Christ, our New Year’s Resolution as a faith community is to help St. Josephine Bakhita Mission Parish grow abundantly in number and in holiness for the glory of God and the salvation of souls. In Jesus' name, this is our New Year’s Resolution for 2023. What do we need to do to accomplish our New Year’s Resolution?
In the name of Jesus, we will pray for the miraculous and abundant growth of St. Josephine Mission Parish. So may it be!“Yes, ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it.”
— John 14:14
“I believed, therefore I spoke.”
— 2 Corinthians 4:13
“But someone will say, ‘You have faith. I have deeds.’ Show me your faith without deeds, and I will show you my faith by my deeds.”
— James 2:18
In short, for our community to grow in numbers and in holiness we need to give the example of service in Jesus' name.
As a faith family, may we entrust this New Year’s Resolution to the powerful and maternal intercession of Mary, the Mother of God, that she may help us make our New Year resolution a reality. Let the Church say Amen!
Peace and blessings,
Fr. Andrew McNair
St. Josephine Bakhita Mission Parish