Hunger in Phoenix is real. Did you know there are over half a million people across the Valley facing hunger? Who are they? They include schoolchildren, working parents, seniors on fixed incomes and other struggling individuals. Their hardships are fundamentally tied to poverty — and poverty is rampant in Arizona.
In 1969, St. Pope Paul VI, as Vicar of Jesus Christ on earth, issued this prophetic challenge to those of African descent: “You must now give your gifts of Blackness to the whole Church.”
The Most Rev. Thomas J. Olmsted, Bishop Emeritus of the Diocese of Phoenix, signed on June 9, 2022, the historic decree creating St. Josephine Bakhita Mission Parish for the pastoral care of African Americans and Black Catholics in the Diocese of Phoenix. May this date be known as “Founder’s Day.” May we celebrate this blessed and historic event ever year until the Lord comes again.